Sunday, November 16, 2014

To all the young girls who cut

This is my letter to all the young teenage girls who self-harm, maybe because they are bullied, maybe because they have a broken heart, because they have family issues, or maybe because they're simply different from the rest of their peers.
Your life is worth living. You must be a beautiful person to suffer that way and to be this sensitive. You are worthy of love, you deserve to be loved and taken care of. You deserve happiness, and it'll come to you if you work hard enough to stop those urges, I mean, the urges to self-harm.
Don't hurt yourself. If life is a curse to you, turn it into a blessing. If life is too harsh, make it sweeter. Talk to people, reach out for help. Write to me, if you feel lonely and need someone to comfort you. I'm here to help.

Self-harm is a monster. It grabs you and eats you alive, until nothing's left. Don't make it escalate by cutting deeper or hurting yourself more. Stop the urge, you can make it. You are in control. Cutting is not the right way to have control of your life.

Don't keep going down this dangerous road. People may not come back from it. It's a dead end. It leads you nowhere.

With love,
Joseph Nicola M.

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